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What’s New In MAPADOC 4.5 and 5.0


MAPADOC EDISWK Technologies continues to remain committed to adding new features and functionality with each new release of MAPADOC Effortless EDI.

The new features from the last two releases of MAPADOC for Sage 100 ERP version 4.50 and 5.00 (2013) are described below:

NEW StarShip Freight Integration for LTL Shipments

A new integration with StarShip Freight has been created for processing of LTL shipments in MAPADOC.  A new “StarShip LTL Freight Processing” option has been added to the Shipment Type Maintenance screen.  If this option is selected, a new StarShip Freight button will be available in ASN Selection and the Create ASN screen in Edit Order Package & Label Data.  When pressed pallet and case information for all orders associated to the ASN will be uploaded to StarShip, the PRO Number and Bill of Lading Number assigned in StarShip will be populated on the ASN Header and freight amounts will be assigned to orders on the ASN proportionally based on weight.

EDI Ready to Send Register & EDI Outbound Sent Register – PO Number Addition

These registers have been modified to add the PO Number field for 810, 855, and 940 transaction types.

860 In: Purchase Order Change Setup – NEW “Allow Zero Quantity Updates” Option

This option has been modified to add a new “Allow Zero Quantity Updates” option.  If this option is selected and a trading partner sends a value of zero for the quantity ordered, the sales order line will be updated to a quantity ordered of zero.

All Mapping and Creation options – NEW Conditional Processing Comparison Type

All mapping and document creation options have been modified to add the ability to do conditional processing based on a comparison type of “Field 1 is not in the range of Field 2”.

Outbound 810 Mapping/Creation – NEW Weight from ASN Variable

These options have been modified to add a new Weight from ASN variable.  This variable will return the weight calculated for the order from the MAPADOC ASN history files.

Packing List Printing – NEW Multiple Orders Button

This option has been modified to add a new Multiple Orders button.  When pressed, a screen will display all orders that are available for packing list printing. The information can be sorted by any of the columns displayed.  Users can select non-sequential ranges by using the mouse and CTRL button.

832 Mapping/Creation – NEW Customer Unit Price Variable

These options have been modified to add a new Customer Unit Price variable.  This variable will return the item’s unit price setup for the current customer being processed using a quantity of 1 and the current system date

ASN Auto Select & ASN Selection – Integration with SWK UPS Integration

These options have been modified to integrate with SWK’s UPS integration enhancement if it is installed.

856 Out: ASN Creation Setup/ASN Import from Accellos – NEW Option to Choose Weight Value Used

These options have been modified to add a new option to choose which weight value is used to calculate ASN weights.  Users can choose from the Accellos weight or Sage Inventory weight.

Label Printing – NEW “TOT_WEIGHT_IMP1” and “TOT_WEIGHT_IMP2” Fields

Label Printing has been modified to populate two new fields during label printing for both case and pallet labels.  TOT_WEIGHT_IMP1 will contain the case or pallet weight with 1 implied decimal position. TOT_WEIGHT_IMP2 will contain the case or pallet weight with 2 implied decimal positions.

NEW MAPADOC Visual Process Flows – version 2013 (5.00) Only

Visual Process Flows have been added for MAPADOC tasks.  Visual process flows are an interactive workflow diagram that shows the steps to complete for processing for common transaction types.  Visual Process Flows have been added for the following transactions in MAPADOC – EDI Orders, EDI ASNs, and EDI Invoices.

Invoice History UDF Maintenance – NEW Copy UDFs From Feature

This option has been modified to add a new Copy From UDFs button. When pressed a screen will be displayed and the user can select or enter the invoice number to copy UDF values from.  When hitting OK, all header UDF values will be copied from the selected invoice to the invoice open on the screen.  Detail UDFs will be populated from the selected invoice for all invoice lines with matching item numbers.

General Cross Reference Maintenance – NEW Exceptions Only Feature

This option has been modified to add a new Exceptions Only Cross Reference field to the General Cross Reference List header.  If this feature is checked, missing values in the cross reference will not be reported as exceptions during inbound and outbound document processing.

Edit Order Package & Label Data – NEW Multiple Items Button

This option has been modified to add a new Multiple Items button to the Case/Item Information tab.  When pressed, a screen will display all items on the current order that have not been distributed to cases.  Users can select multiple items to be assigned to the current case.  The quantity for each item will be set to the Quantity Remaining displayed on the screen.

Inbound 860 Mapping – NEW Comment Line Functionality

This option has been modified to allow detail comment lines to be added to the order (when adding lines).  Available options are to place the comment before or after the current line.

NEW SLN Processing Features for Burlington Coat Factory Assortment Type Orders

The 850 In: Purchase Order Setup option was modified to add a new “Processing SLN Components” option.  This option should be used if SDQ type orders are sent and line items on the order are populated from the SLN segments on the PO.  The Shipment Type Maintenance and ASN Creation options were modified to add a new “Combine Items with Same SLN Parent ID” option.  If this option is selected, the user will select the Sales Order Detail UDF containing the SLN Parent ID. During ASN Creation, one HL Item level will be sent for all items in the case with the same SLN Parent ID.

Label Printing – NEW “MIXED” Field for Pallet Labels

Label Printing has been modified to populate a new “MIXED” field for pallet labels.  If the pallet contains multiple item numbers this field will be set to “Y”, otherwise it is set to “N”.

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